Saturday, 19 September 2009

stop telling fat people there's an obesity epidemic - it won't help!

the social psychology of persuading people to be good - some lessons for public awareness campaigns. Draws on the work of Robert Cialdini and Richard Taylor's book "nudge". This is excellent, catch it while it's still on iplayer!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Jim, welcome to the module and congratulations on getting your learning blog up and running so quickly! This radio show looks really interesting and there's lots here that we'll be covering in the module later. How do you think the lessons from these discussions can be applied to sustainability-related behaviour change?

  3. Hi Gill, i'm very interested in this module having spent a few years running multi million pound waste awareness and recycling behaviour change campaigns in London, targeting extremely diverse inner city audiences. I learnt a lot about the power and pitfalls of communicating environmental messages during this time.

    As climate change presents ever more alarming realities for scientists and policy makers, the question is this: how do we communicate these realities to the public in ways that are not alarmist and negative and will actually engender action? I asked Clive Hamilton this very question today at the carbon caravan teleconference.

    Having read last week's IPPR report:
    "how the public thinks lower carbon behaviour could be made mainstream", it seems that these are the very problems causing the public climate change fatigue being highlighted.

    I'm not sure Clive gave me an answer.

    BTW I think the idea of using blogging for formative assessment is excellent. I don't know why more module organisers don't use it!

  4. Hi Jim, thanks again for this radio show link - I've uploaded it as a podcast on blackboard for anyone who's missed it, Gill
